Journal Articles
- Andrés Felipe Niño, Alejandro Palacio-Betancur, Piedad Miranda Chiquito, Juan David Amaya, Christian E Silva, Mariantonieta Gutierrez Soto and Luis Felipe Giraldo, 2025, "Deep Reinforcement Learning-based Control for Real-Time Hybrid Simulation of Civil Structures", International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control
- Sajad Javadinasab Hormozabad, Mariantonieta Gutierrez Soto and Alejandro Palacio Betancur, 2025, "Camera-based real-time damage identification of building structures through deep learning", Journal of Structural Design and Construction Practice, ASCE [Formerly, Practice Periodical on Structural Design and Construction, ASCE], 30, (2)
- Saanchi Kaushal, Mariantonieta Gutierrez Soto and Rebecca Napolitano, 2024, "Assessing the Behavior of Historic Masonry Buildings to Tornadic Events: A Comparative Study of Code-Based Analysis and Point Cloud Based Simulation", Engineering Failure Analysis, 163
- Alvaro Javier Florez, Luis Felipe Giraldo Trujillo and Mariantonieta Gutierrez Soto, 2024, "Regularized Model Free Adaptive Control in Base Isolation Buildings", Smart Structures and Systems, An International Journal, 34, (2)
- Saanchi Kaushal, Mariantonieta Gutierrez Soto and Rebecca Napolitano, 2024, "Three-Dimensional Digital Documentation of Tornado-Damaged Heritage Buildings", Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, 150, (10)
- Amanda Melendez and Mariantonieta Gutierrez Soto, 2024, "Flood Resilience Quantification Framework of Rural Communities: Case Study of Harlan County, Kentucky", Natural Hazards Review, ASCE, 25, (4)
- Andrew Aguila, Alejandro Palacio-Betancur, Hongliang Li, Ilya Kovalenko and Mariantonieta Gutierrez Soto, 2024, "Conditional Adaptive Time Series Compensation and Control Design for Multi-Axial Real-Time Hybrid Simulation", Frontiers in the Built Environment, 10
- Sajad Javadinasab Hormozabad, Nathan Jacobs and Mariantonieta Gutierrez Soto, 2024, "Reinforcement Learning for Integrated Structural Control and Health Monitoring", ASCE's Practice Periodical on Structural Design and Construction, 29, (3)
- David Roueche, Guangzhao Chen, Mariantonieta Gutierrez Soto, Sabarethinam Kameshwar, Amir Safiey, Trung Q Do, Franklin T. Lombardo, Jordan Nakayama, Brandon M. Rittelmeyer, Alejandro Palacio-Betancur and Garrett Demaree, 2024, "Performance of Hurricane-Resistant Housing during the 2022 Arabi, Louisiana Tornado", Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, 150, (5)
- Saanchi Kaushal, Mariantonieta Gutierrez Soto and Rebecca Napolitano, 2023, "Understanding the Performace of Historic Masonry Structures in Mayfield, KY after the 2021 Tornadoes", Journal of Cultural Heritage
- Alejandro Palacio Betancur and Mariantonieta Gutierrez Soto, 2023, "Recent advances in computational methodologies for real-time hybrid simulation of civil engineering structures", Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering
- Daniel Gallutia, Majid Tahmasbi Fard, Mariantonieta Gutierrez Soto and JiangBiao He, 2022, "Recent advances in wave energy conversion systems: From wave theory to devices and control strategies", Ocean Engineering, 252, pp. 111105
- Amanda Melendez, David Caballero-Russi, Mariantonieta Gutierrez Soto and Luis Felipe Giraldo, 2022, "Computational models of community resilience", Natural Hazards, (111), pp. 1121–1152
- Alejandro Palacio-Betancur and Mariantonieta Gutierrez Soto, 2021, "Structural Properties of Tall Diagrid Buildings Using a Neural Dynamic Model for Design Optimization", Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, 148, (3)
- Sajad Javadinasab Hormozabad, Mariantonieta Gutierrez Soto and Hojjat Adeli, 2021, "Integrating structural control, health monitoring, and energy harvesting for smart cities", Expert Systems, 38, (8)
- Sajad Javadinasab Hormozabad and Mariantonieta Gutierrez Soto, 2021, "Performance-based control co-design of building structures with controlled rocking steel braced frames via neural dynamic model", Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 64, (3), pp. 1111-1125
- Alvaro Javier Florez, Luis Felipe Giraldo, Mariantonieta Gutierrez Soto and Fernel Orlando Zuñiga, 2021, "Structural sparsity in control design of active and semi-active systems", Structural Control and Health Monitoring, 28, (8)
- Sajad Javadinasab Hormozabad and Mariantonieta Gutierrez Soto, 2021, "Load balancing and neural dynamic model to optimize replicator dynamics controllers for vibration reduction of highway bridge structures", Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 99
- Jorge Romana Giraldo, L. Sebastian Bryson and Mariantonieta Gutierrez Soto, 2020, "Performance of Two Anchored Walls Under Cut and Fill Construction Sequences", Geotechnical and Geological Engineering, 38, (2), pp. 1799-1816
- Alejandro Palacio-Betancur and Mariantonieta Gutierrez Soto, 2019, "Adaptive tracking control for real-time hybrid simulation of structures subjected to seismic loading", Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 134, pp. 106345
- Mariantonieta Gutierrez Soto and Hojjat Adeli, 2019, "Semi-active vibration control of smart isolated highway bridge structures using replicator dynamics", Engineering Structures, 186, pp. 536-552
- Mariantonieta Gutierrez Soto and Hojjat Adeli, 2018, "Vibration control of smart base-isolated irregular buildings using neural dynamic optimization model and replicator dynamics", Engineering Structures, 156, pp. 322-336
- Mariantonieta Gutierrez Soto and Hojjat Adeli, 2017, "Many-objective control optimization of high-rise building structures using replicator dynamics and neural dynamics model", Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 56, (6), pp. 1521-1537
- Mariantonieta Gutierrez Soto and Hojjat Adeli, 2017, "Multi-agent replicator controller for sustainable vibration control of smart structures", Journal of Vibroengineering, 19, (6), pp. 4300-4322
- Mariantonieta Gutierrez Soto and Hojjat Adeli, 2017, "Recent advances in control algorithms for smart structures and machines", Expert Systems, 34, (2)
- Mariantonieta Gutierrez Soto and Hojjat Adeli, 2014, "Optimum tuning parameters of tuned mass dampers for vibration control of irregular highrise building structures.", Journal of Civil Engineering and Management, 20, (5), pp. 609-620
- Mariantonieta Gutierrez Soto and Hojjat Adeli, 2013, "Tuned Mass Dampers", Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering, 20, (4), pp. 419-431
- Mariantonieta Gutierrez Soto and Adeli, 2013, "Placement of control devices for passive, semi-active, and active vibration control of structures", Scientia Iranica, 20, (6), pp. 1567-1578
- Alejandro Palacio Betancur, Sajad Javadinasab Hormozabad, Chad Niman, Paul Masterson, Brent Sturlaugson, Joseph Brewer, Bruce Swetnam, L. Sebastian Bryson and Mariantonieta Gutierrez Soto, , "Compressive properties of cross-laminated timber panels made from hardwood tree species from the Appalachian region", Journal of Architectural Engineering, ASCE
- David Eduardo Caballero Russi, Alejandro Palacio Betancur and Mariantonieta Gutierrez Soto, , "Comparison and Evaluation of Model-based Optimal Sensor Placement Implementation: Case Study of a Hybrid Cross-Laminated Timber and Steel Building", ASCE Journal of Structural Design and Construction Practice
Conference Proceedings
- David Caballero-Russi, Viascheslav Slesarenko and Mariantonieta Gutierrez Soto, 2024, "Structural Health Monitoring and Estimation of Degree of Damage in Locally Resonant Metamaterials", Milan, Italy
- Alejandro Palacio-Betancur, Daivik Manickmalar, Rayyan Alwaneen and Mariantonieta Gutierrez Soto, 2024, "Semi-active cam-lever friction device for vibration control of buildings subjected to earthquakes", Milan, Italy
- Saanchi Kaushal, Mariantonieta Gutierrez Soto and Rebecca Napolitano, 2023, "Structural Analysis of Post-Disaster Masonry Structures Modeled using Cloud2fem Software", The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Florence, Italy, Volume XLVIII-M-2-2023
- Abel Zambrano, Alejandro Palacio-Betancur, Luis Burbano, Andres Felipe Niño, Luis Felipe Giraldo, Mariantonieta Gutierrez Soto, Jairo Giraldo and Alvaro A. Cardenas, 2021, "You Make Me Tremble: A First Look at Attacks Against Structural Control Systems", ACM
- Mariantonieta Gutierrez Soto and Sajad Javadinasab Hormozabad, 2021, "Seismic Design Optimization of Controlled Rocking Steel Braced Frames based on Neural Dynamic Model", Japan Association for Earthquake Engineering, Sendai, Japan
- Alejandro Palacio-Betancur and Mariantonieta Gutierrez Soto, 2021, "Hybrid Counter Propagation Neural Dynamic Model for Structural Design Optimization of Diagrid Structures", Japan Association for Earthquake Engineering, Sendai, Japan
- Alejandro Palacio-Betancur and Mariantonieta Gutierrez Soto, 2021, "Structural Design Optimization for Vibration Control of Diagrid Structures using a Neural Dynamic Model", Japan Association for Earthquake Engineering, Sendai, Japan
- Sajad Javadinasab Hormozabad and Mariantonieta Gutierrez Soto, 2021, "Optimal Replicator Dynamic Controller via Load Balancing and Neural Dynamics for Semi-Active Vibration Control of Isolated Highway Bridge Structures", pp. 241-244
- Sajad Javadinasab Hormozabad and Mariantonieta Gutierrez Soto, 2021, "Real-time damage identification of discrete structures via neural networks subjected to dynamic loading", 11593
- Christopher Wheatley, Morgan Baumann and Mariantonieta Gutierrez Soto, 2020, "Aerodynamic mitigation of origami-inspired building structures subjected to hurricane wind loads", 11377
- M Royvaran, Sajad Javadinasab Hormozabad, Mariantonieta Gutierrez Soto and D. Brad Davis, 2020, "Investigation on the Relationship between Wave Propagation Speed and Vibration Frequency in Concrete Floors using Nonlinear Regression Model", 11382
- Amanda B. Bellamy, Jonathan Boustani, Christoph Brehm and Mariantonieta Gutierrez Soto, 2019, "Towards resilient adaptive origami-inspired diagrid building envelope", SPIE
- Brandon Enbody and Mariantonieta Gutierrez Soto, 2019, "Biomimicry of school of fish for community windstorm design", SPIE
- Mariantonieta Gutierrez Soto, 2018, "Bio-inspired hybrid vibration control methodology for intelligent isolated bridge structures", 10595
- Roger Dzwonczyk, Matthew Brockman, Daniel George, Nathan Hankins, Marissa McHugh and Mariantonieta Gutierrez Soto, 2015, "A method of powering a nebulizer manually using parts locally available in Honduras", pp. 40-44
- Mariantonieta Gutierrez Soto and Roger Dzwonczyk, 2015, "Maximizing service and learning in an international engineering service learning program", pp. 152-159
- Carlos German Rodriguez, Mariantonieta Gutierrez Soto, Roger Dzwonczyk, John A. Merrill, Howard L. Greene and Miriam Cater, 2014, "Application of sustainable solutions in international service-learning engineering projects"
- Alejandro Palacio-Betancur, Adam Rácz, Mohammad Ali Maghsoudlou, Viacheslav Slesarenko and Mariantonieta Gutierrez Soto, , "Robust Control of Friction-Driven Reconfigurable Adaptive Structures", Behavior and Mechanics of Multifunctional Materials XVIII, 12947
- B Webb, David Prevatt, Mariantonieta Gutierrez Soto, Tracy Kijewski-Correa, M Amini, R Ramponi, Tomi Tomiczek, Stephanie Oilkington, H Pham, K Mostafa, D Kalliontzis, S Kameshwar, H Dang, A Kyprioti, J Capa Salinas, S Xu, T Do, A Diekmann, A Jana, T Lin, T Lahna, S Ray, M Alam, David Roueche and K Wolohan, 2024, "StEER: Hurricane Helene Preliminary Virtual Reconnaissance Report (PVRR)"
- A Kyprioti, J Yuzbasi, Mariantonieta Gutierrez Soto, H Dang, M Amini, P Alagusundaramoorthy, D Kalliontzis, Stephanie Pilkington, S Garcia, K Mostafa, A Gasha, S Kameshwar, H Dang, P Pokhrel, M Perotin, S Xu, T Do, A Diekmann, A Jana, T Lin, K Ancona, P Mohammadi, David Roueche and K Wolohan, 2024, "StEER: Hurricane Helene Annotated Media Repository"
- Stephanie Pilkington, David Roueche, Mariantonieta Gutierrez Soto, M. Alam, Rebecca Napolitano, Tracy Kijewski-Correa, David Prevatt, Saanchi Kaushal, Jordan Nakayama, H Ibrahim, Andrew Lyda, H Lester, David Caballero Russi, Kurt Gurley, Ian Robertson and Frank Lombardo, 2021, "StEER - 10 December 2021 Midwest Tornado Outbreak"
- Eduardo Miranda, Mariantonieta Gutierrez Soto, A Acosta Vera, J Archbold, C Arteta, J Carrillo, H Davalos, Selim Gunay, W Hassan, P Heresi, A Messina, S Miranda, C Pajaro Miranda, A Poulos, Ian Robertson, J Ruiz-Garcia, G Scagliotti, Tracy Kijewski-Correa, K Mosalam, David Prevatt and David Roueche, 2020, "Crucecitas, Mexico Mw 7.4 Earthquake: Preliminary Virtual Reconnaissance Report (PVRR)"
- Richard Wood, David Roueche, Mariantonieta Gutierrez Soto, Sajad Javadinasab Hormozabad, Y Liao, Frank Lombardo, M Moravej, S Pilkington, D Prevatt, Tracy Kijewski-Correa, W Djima and I Robertson, 2020, "Early Access Reconnaissance Report (EARR): 3 March 2020 Nashville Tornadoes"
- Tracy Kijewski-Correa, Mariantonieta Gutierrez Soto, Maria Cortes, Sajad Javadinasab Hormozabad, David Roueche, David Prevatt and Ian Robertson, 2020, "Event Briefing - StEER - Hurricane Eta"
- Tracy Kijewski-Correa, Prethesha Alagusundaramoorthy, Mariantonieta Gutierrez Soto, M Alsieedi, S Crawford and M Gartner, 2019, "StEER - Hurricane Dorian: Preliminary Virtual Reconnaissance Report (PVRR)"
- A Alipour, A Aly, Mariantonieta Gutierrez Soto, Tracy Kijewski-Correa, A Lenjani, B Lichty, N Miner and David Roueche, 2018, "STEER- Hurricane Michael: Preliminary Virtual Assessment Team (P-VAT) Report"
- Mariantonieta Gutierrez Soto, 2017, "Multi-Agent Replicator Control Methodologies for Sustainable Vibration Control of Smart Building and Bridge Structures"
- Mariantonieta Gutierrez Soto, 2012, "Investigation of Passive Control of Irregular Building Structures using Bidirectional Tuned Mass Damper"