Photo of Alp Durmus

Alp Durmus

Assistant Professor


  • Architectural Engineering

N575 ECoRE Building


Research Website

Research Areas:

Building Illumination Systems

Interest Areas:

Lighting, color science, connected and adaptive lighting systems, light pollution, light and health, energy efficiency, psychophysics.




  • BS, Electrical Engineering, Istanbul Technical University, 2006
  • MS, Architectural Lighting Design, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, 2009
  • MComm, Marketing, Raffles College of Design and Commerce, 2015
  • PhD, Architectural Science, University of Sydney, 2018


Journal Articles

  • Parisa Mahmoudzadeh, Wenye Hu, Wendy Davis and Dorukalp Durmus, 2024, "Spatial efficiency: An outset of lighting application efficacy for indoor lighting", Building and Environment
  • Rugved Kore, Nathan Brown and Dorukalp Durmus, 2024, "Optimising augmented reality projector light output to balance art conservation, colour quality and energy consumption", Lighting Research and Technology
  • Dorukalp Durmus, Maria Tengelin and Annika Jägerbrand, 2024, "Red light at outdoors to mitigate light pollution: Balancing functionality and ecological impact", Lighting Research and Technology
  • Rugved Kore and Dorukalp Durmus, 2023, "Curve-Fitting Correction Method for the Nonlinear Dimming Response of Tunable SSL Devices", Technologies, 11, (6), pp. 162
  • Douglas Baxter, Dorukalp Durmus and Michael Royer, 2023, "Enumeration reduction algorithm for the characterization of multi-primary LED systems", Lighting Research and Technology, 55, (3), pp. 242-257
  • Jessica Collier, Andrea Wilkerson, Dorukalp Durmus and Eduardo Bermudez, 2023, "Studying response to light in offices: A literature review and pilot study", Buildings, 13, (2), pp. 471
  • Wangyang Song and Dorukalp Durmus, 2022, "Evaluating energy efficiency and colorimetric quality of electric light sources using alternative spectral sensitivity functions", Buildings, 12, (2), pp. 2220
  • Yuwei Wang and Dorukalp Durmus, 2022, "Image quality metrics, personality traits, and subjective evaluation of indoor environment images", Buildings, 12, (2), pp. 2086
  • Dorukalp Durmus, Wenye Hu and Wendy Davis, 2022, "Lighting application efficacy (LAE): A framework for holistically measuring lighting use in buildings", Frontiers in Built Environment
  • Dorukalp Durmus, 2021, "Correlated color temperature: Use and limitations", Lighting Research and Technology, 54, (4), pp. 363-375
  • Michael Royer, Kevin W Houser, Dorukalp Durmus, Tony Esposito and Minchen Wei, 2021, "Recommended methods for conducting human factors experiments on the subjective evaluation of colour rendition", Lighting Research and Technology, 54, (3), pp. 199-236
  • Dorukalp Durmus, Julian Wang, Shawn Good and Benjamin Basom, 2021, "The efffect of electric bridge lighting at night on mayfly activity", Energies, 14, (10), pp. 2934
  • Juan Botero-Valencia, Juliana Valencia-Aguirre and Dorukalp Durmus, 2021, "A low-cost IoT multi-spectral acquisition device", HardwareX, 9, pp. e00173
  • Dorukalp Durmus, 2021, "Characterizing color quality, damage to artwork, and light intensity of multi-primary LEDs for museums", Heritage, 4, (1), pp. 188-197
  • Dorukalp Durmus, 2020, "Real-time sensing and control of integrative horticultural lighting systems", J — Multidisciplinary Scientific Journal, 3, (3), pp. 266-274
  • Dorukalp Durmus, 2020, "Spatial frequency and the performance of image-based visual complexity metrics", IEEE Access, 8, pp. 100111-100119
  • Dorukalp Durmus, 2020, "CIELAB color space boundaries under theoretical spectra and 99 test color samples", Color Research and Application, 45, (5), pp. 796-802
  • D. Vázquez, A.A. Fernández-Balbuena, H. Canabal, C. Muro, Dorukalp Durmus, W. Davis, A. Benítez and S. Mayorga, 2020, "Energy optimization of a light projection system for buildings that virtually restores artworks", Digital Applications in Archaeology and Cultural Heritage, 16, pp. e00128
  • Dorukalp Durmus, Dianna Abdalla, Aaron Duis and Wendy Davis, 2020, "Spectral optimization to minimize light absorbed by artwork", LEUKOS, 16, (1), pp. 45-54
  • J.-S. Botero-Valencia, J. Valencia-Aguirre, Dorukalp Durmus and W. Davis, 2019, "Multi-channel low-cost light spectrum measurement using a multilayer perceptron", Energy and Buildings, 199, pp. 579-587
  • Dorukalp Durmus and Wendy Davis, 2019, "Blur perception and visual clarity in light projection systems", Optics Express, 27, (4), pp. A216
  • Dorukalp Durmus and Wendy Davis, 2018, "Appearance of achromatic colors under optimized light source spectrum", IEEE Photonics Journal, 10, (6), pp. 1-11
  • Dorukalp Durmus and Wendy Davis, 2017, "Object color naturalness and attractiveness with spectrally optimized illumination", Optics Express, 25, (11), pp. 12839-12850
  • Dorukalp Durmus and Wendy Davis, 2015, "Optimising light source spectrum for object reflectance", Optics Express, 23, (11), pp. A456-A464

Conference Proceedings

  • Dorukalp Durmus, Tina Wang, Christie Gonzalez and Rugved Kore, 2024, "Role of lighting and color in microeconomics: preference and purchase intent"
  • Jumanah Alawadhi and Dorukalp Durmus, 2024, "Perceptual and cognitive responses to chromatic light and background music"
  • Naser Shahab and Dorukalp Durmus, 2024, "The effect of colored ambient and display lighting on risk taking"
  • Parisa Mahmoudzadeh, Wenye Hu, Wendy Davis and Dorukalp Durmus, 2023, "Spatial efficiency: A comparison of calculation methods"
  • Dorukalp Durmus and Wangyang Song, 2023, "A review of spatial brightness metrics"
  • Yuwei Wang and Dorukalp Durmus, 2023, "Color contrast and visual clarity of indoor environments"
  • Rugved Kore and Dorukalp Durmus, 2023, "Performance of wearable light sensors for circadian photobiology"
  • Wangyang Song and Dorukalp Durmus, 2023, "Brightness perception and accuracy of luminous efficiency functions"
  • Christie Gonzalez, Rugved Kore and Dorukalp Durmus, 2022, "The effect of illuminance and gamut shape on preference and saliency of natural objects"
  • Yuwei Wang and Dorukalp Durmus, 2022, "Estimating the perceived colorfulness of images of indoor environments"
  • Rugved Kore, David Reichenberger, Jeffrey Mundinger, Anne-Marie Chang and Dorukalp Durmus, 2022, "Performance of a mini spectrophotometer as a wearable circadian light measurement tool"
  • Dorukalp Durmus, Maria Nilsson Tengelin and Annika Jagerbrand, 2022, "Investigating the methods and health outcomes of research studies on light pollution and human physiology and behaviour: a systematic review", IEEE, pp. 1-6
  • Parisa Mahmoudzadeh, Wenye Hu, Wendy Davis and Dorukalp Durmus, 2022, "Calculating spatial efficiency of indoor lighting using lighting application efficacy framework"
  • Rugved Kore and Dorukalp Durmus, 2022, "Curve fitting considerations for nonlinear LED dimming correction", CIE
  • Yuwei Eunice Wang and Dorukalp Durmus, 2022, "Image quality assessment and big five personality traits", CIE
  • Dorukalp Durmus, 2022, "Differences in spectral reflectance functions of natural and artificial surfaces"
  • Wangyang Song and Dorukalp Durmus, 2022, "Evaluating energy efficiency and color quality of LEDs using alternative spectral sensitivity functions"
  • Yuwei Wangyang and Dorukalp Durmus, 2022, "Variability in image quality assessment metrics with different image capturing devices"
  • Dorukalp Durmus, 2021, "Remote laboratory activities for color science education", OSA Technical Digest, pp. F1B.3
  • Dorukalp Durmus, 2021, "A real-time integrative lighting system framework based on machine learning", Commission Internationale de L'Eclairage
  • Annika Jägerbrand, Maria Tengelin and Dorukalp Durmus, 2021, "A review of the impact of light pollution on ecosystems and sky brightness", Commission Internationale de L'Eclairage
  • Yuwei Wang and Dorukalp Durmus, 2021, "Subjective evaluation of visual complexity, clarity, and preference of indoor environments"
  • Rugved Kore and Dorukalp Durmus, 2021, "Damage reduction with maintained colour quality of artwork under RGB projector", Commission Internationale de L'Eclairage
  • Dorukalp Durmus, 2021, "Optimizing a three-channel sensor spectral sensitivity using a genetic algorithm", OSA Technical Digest, pp. JTu1A.23
  • Dorukalp Durmus, 2021, "Spectral optimization of solid-state light sources for cyanosis observation index, circadian, and color metric", OSA Technical Digest, pp. PvM4D.4
  • Dorukalp Durmus, 2021, "Circadian metric variability measures for tunable LED light sources", Light-Emitting Devices, Materials, and Applications XXV, International Society for Optics and Photonics, 11706
  • Dorukalp Durmus, 2021, "Multi-objective optimization trade-offs for color rendition, energy efficiency, and circadian metrics", Light-Emitting Devices, Materials, and Applications XXV, International Society for Optics and Photonics, 11706
  • Dorukalp Durmus, 2021, "Reporting variation in melanopic and photometric measures", Commission Internationale de L'Eclairage
  • Michael Royer, Dorukalp Durmus and Douglas Baxter, 2020, "Characterizing the color rendition performance of multi-primary LED lighting systems", Illuminating Engineering Society (IES) 2020 Annual Conference
  • Dorukalp Durmus and Michael Royer, 2020, "Ellipse fitting for IES-TM-30-18 colour vector graphic", International Commission on Illumination, CIE
  • Dorukalp Durmus and Wendy Davis, 2019, "Evaluation of hue shift formulae in CIELAB and CAM02", International Commission on Illumination, CIE
  • Dorukalp Durmus, 2019, "Impact of surface reflectance on spectral optimization for melanopic illuminance and energy efficiency", OSA (Optical Society America), pp. PT2C.5
  • Dorukalp Durmus and Wendy Davis, 2019, "Colour quality of chromatic and achromatic samples under absorption-minimising lighting", International Commission on Illumination, CIE
  • Dorukalp Durmus and Wendy Davis, 2018, "Lighting optimization to reduce damage to artwork"
  • Dorukalp Durmus and Wendy Davis, 2018, "Colour appearance of objects under optimised spectra", International Commission on Illumination, CIE
  • Dorukalp Durmus and Wendy Davis, 2018, "Visual clarity and blur acceptability in complex illuminated images", OSA (Optical Society America), pp. SW2D.4
  • Dianna Abdalla, Aaron Duis, Dorukalp Durmus and Wendy Davis, 2016, "Customization of light source spectrum to minimize light absorbed by artwork", CIE Lighting Quality and Energy Efficiency Conference 2016, Commission Internationale de L'Eclairage
  • Dorukalp Durmus and Wendy Davis, 2016, "Illuminating objects with absorption-minimizing spectra", Illuminating Engineering Society (IES) 2016 Annual Conference
  • Raphael Kirsch and Dorukalp Durmus, 2016, "Design of a laboratory to measure psychological effects in office lighting", International Commission on Illumination, CIE
  • Dorukalp Durmus and Wendy Davis, 2015, "Colour difference and energy consumption of absorption-minimizing spectral power distributions", Asia-Pacific Lighting Systems Workshop, pp. 13-16
  • Dorukalp Durmus and Wendy Davis, 2015, "Absorption-minimizing spectral power distributions", OSA (Optical Society America), pp. JTu5A-2
  • Dorukalp Durmus and Wendy Davis, 2014, "Optimising light source spectrum for object reflectance", OSA (Optical Society America), pp. DTh3D.3

Magazines/Trade Publications

  • Philip Dure, J Mundinger and Dorukalp Durmus, 2023, "ISO settings and LED dimming impact video quality"
  • Wendy Luedtke, Loren Whitehead and Dorukalp Durmus, 2023, "The Lumen: What it’s for, and what it’s not"
  • Dorukalp Durmus, 2020, "Spectral optimization shows potential to improve energy efficiency and quality-of-light experience", LEDs Magazine, 17, (8), pp. 26-28
  • Dorukalp Durmus, Dianna Abdalla, Aaron Duis and Wendy Davis, 2019, "Reducing damage to artwork by optimising lighting.", Lighting: Art and science for international designers, 39, (1), pp. 32-35
  • Dorukalp Durmus and Wendy Davis, 2016, "Customisation of spectral power distribution", Lighting Magazine, 36, (2), pp. 40-43


  • Jessica Collier, Dorukalp Durmus and Robert Davis, 2022, "Lighting in care centers: comparing tunable LED systems to conventional lighting systems in four care centers"

Research Projects

  • October 2021 - June 2025, "Development of Lighting Application Efficacy Measurement Framework," (Sponsor: U.S. Department of Energy).
  •  2022 -  2023, "Developing Tools to Study Urban Lighting Systems That Support Healthier Circadian Cycles," (Sponsor: Institutes of Energy and the Environment).
  •  2020 -  2023, "Energy efficient outdoor lighting for reduced light pollution," (Sponsor: Swedish Energy Agency).
  • March 2021 - May 2023, "New course development and delivery: Color Science," (Sponsor: Nuckolls Fund for Lighting Education, Inc.).
  •  2020 -  2020, "Remote Laboratory Demonstrations of Dark and Color Adaptation," (Sponsor: Schreyer Institute for Teaching Excellence).
  •  2023 -  , "Assessing the energy impacts of electric lighting using alternative spectral sensitivities," (Sponsor: Institutes of Energy and the Environment).
  •  2023 -  , "Enhancing lighting education through virtual reality," (Sponsor: Leonhard Center for Enhancement of Engineering Education).

Honors and Awards

  • 40 under 40 Lighting Awards, Light Collective and Filix, January 2024
  • BTES Emerging Faculty, Building Technology Educators' Society, June 2023
  • HJ Cowan Architectural Science Scholarship, The University of Sydney, January 2016 - February 2018
  • Australian Postgraduate Award, Australian Federal Government, 2014 - 2017
  • Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, Higher Education Academy, June 2018


Service to Penn State:

  • Committee Work, Graduate Studies, 2023
  • Committee Work, Member, International Partnerships Faculty Working Group, International Partnerships Faculty Working Group, August 2022 - 2023
  • Committee Work, Member, Industry Research Partnerships Faculty Working Group, Industry Research Partnerships Faculty Working Group, 2022 - 2023
  • Committee Work, Organizer, Micro-Credentials by Industry and Government Partners, 2021 - 2023
  • Committee Work, Committee Member, Retention & Recruitment Committee, Retention & Recruitment Committee, 2021 - 2022
  • Committee Work, Graduate Studies & Recruitment Committee, March 2020 - May 2021

Service to External Organizations:

  • Service to Public and Private Organizations, Attendee, PNNL Life cycle inventory focus group, PNNL, May 2023 - September 2023
  • Participation in or Service to Professional and Learned Societies, Advisor, Outdoor Nighttime Environments, IES, July 2023
  • Participation in or Service to Professional and Learned Societies, Chairperson, Lighting application (VL) technical group, Optica, 2023
  • Participation in or Service to Professional and Learned Societies, Advisor, Color Committee, IES, 2021
  • Participation in or Service to Professional and Learned Societies, Advisor, Museum Lighting Committee, IES, 2021
  • Participation in or Service to Professional and Learned Societies, Representative, Australian Representative, International Commission on Illumination (CIE), October 2018 - February 2022



Globally recognized as a leading architectural engineering department, the mission of the Department of Architectural Engineering at Penn State is to advance the built environment through the development of world-class architectural engineers and research. The vision of the Department of Architectural Engineering at Penn State is to lead the world in innovative education and research to achieve high-performing built environments. Our program emphasizes the scientific and engineering aspects of planning, designing, and constructing buildings, providing our architectural engineering graduates with outstanding education and research opportunities. 

Department of Architectural Engineering

408 Engineering Collaborative Research and Education (ECoRE) Building

556 White Course Dr

The Pennsylvania State University

University Park, PA 16802

Phone: 814-865-6394